SAARC Countries : India, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan & Maldives
- ISO’s (International Sales Office) services for building Brand and Business.
- Retail Agents Network Development.
- Tour Operators Network Development.
- Online Travel Agents (B2c / B2b) Network Development. Online business Development.
- ATL, BTL, TTl marketing & Advertising Strategy Planning & execution to Build Brand Awareness & Sales.
- New Product Launches with marketing, PR & Media support.
- Market Research. Feasibility Study / Consultancy Services to asses demand in SAARC region.
- Alliance Development and management.
- Event Management. Road Shows. One to one meetings with Customers/Trade Partners.
- Destination presence in trade fairs, events, exhibitions.
- Road-shows and buyer-seller meets.
- Destination Management Services representation. (Hotel, Activities, Transfers, Meals, Sightseeing)
- New Travel Product Development (Hotel, Activities)
- Direct Sales generation & management.
- Hotel Safety, Security, Physical Audit.
- Representing Travel Consolidators / Aggregators
Travel ECO System & Infrastructure
- We provide Experienced, skilled employees to handle your business under our supervision.
- We hire, train, motivate and retain the best talent in the Industry.
- We provide Office premises, telephone, mobile, Laptops, Infrastructure Network to hired employees to manage your business.
- Complete access to existing relations with Media, Travel Agents, OTA’s, Consolidators and customer data-base across SAARC countries (Including India)